Day Zero
So yesterday was awesome. I got a lot of cool things and had Chick-Fil-A so I’m pretty
sure this day will end up on like my top 10 of my life…maybe. Anyway one of the
things I managed to find was a VCR. Now while this might not sound like any
special find, this is actually the most crucial component to the entire 2nd
Play-through project. This is because my CRT TV is garbo.
For whatever reason, the model of TV can’t switch to video
mode without the original remote that came with it. I didn’t know this when I
purchased it from a thrift store a few years ago…so I needed to get a VCR so I
could switch to video mode and play my fucking games. I found it, bought it,
brought it home, and hooked it up. Unfortunately it wasn’t working properly. So
I went and tested out all my components on another TV. The cables were fine,
the systems were fine, hell the VCR actually even played VHSs properly…So I
figured it was the TV, the piece of shit that it is. Well it turns out I’m just
dumb and didn’t notice the little switch for either Channel 3 or Channel 4 (I
wonder why those two were picked…) Anyway, I figured it out and managed to set
up the TV. Hooray.
I decided to celebrate with Pad Thai (it was delicious).
Now I can finally start my journey…barring any other
technical issues that come up. The first game up is a classic that I’m sure
many of you can see coming from a mile
But first, I'm going to fix my Nintendo. Which I will do. Hooray.
Wish me luck
Tl;Dr – VCRs, Setting up and Chick – Fil- A
Oh! If you guys wanted to follow me on social media and make
me feel like super important and stuff that would be awesome. I haven’t made
any videos yet so I don’t have a YouTube set up, but still at least if you
follow me elsewhere you can get pestered with my hilarious tweets and wonderful
pictures and vines. Also cats. Also info on this dumb thing too I guess.
Twitter: @ThatdamnnickR
Instagram: The_un_Ricotta
Vine: I think it’s just “Nicholas Ricotta”
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